The Purpose of the Band of Brothers Advisory Committee (AC)
Provide an annual event by men in Narcotics Anonymous (NA) recovery for men in or inquiring about NA recovery.
Assist ALL BOB committees with experience and guidance and to ensure the consistency of BOB guidelines remains intact.
Provide support for the financial management of the annual BOB Conventions.
Current (interim) Committee Members
Chair - Jerry R (BOB I)
Vice Chair - Open
Treasurer - Dennis W (BOB III)
Assistant Treasurer - Open
Secretary - Open
Archives - Open
Arts & Graphics Committee Liaison - Open
Convention Information Committee Liaison - Open
Fundraising & Entertainment Committee Liaison - John R (BOB II)
Hospitality/Greeter Committee Liaison - Open
Hotel Liaison - Claude P (BOB III)
Assistant Hotel Liaison - Open
Merchandise Committee Liaison - Rick Z (BOB II)
Programming Committee Liaison - Open
Registration Committee Liaison - Derek H (BOB III)
Web Master/Social Media Liaison - Open
Assistant Web Master/Social Media Liaison - Open